Thursday, March 05, 2009

Chinese Birthday Cake

This is a picture of my team-mate Rachel with a Chinese Birthday Cake. I'd like to point out a few qualities of the Chinese Birthday cake.

Chinese Birthday cakes are wonderful in appearance. They look like a slice out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's Factory. The cakes are made with a fluffy and airy sponge like middle, and beautiful frill frill flowers and frosting on the outside. You might notice that it looks a little bit like a wedding cake with the pink detail work on the side. . . this is double pretty for you. I might add that the cake itself is not that good, although the frosting is quite enjoyable. Another positive point about the cakes here: I can eat a piece of Chinese cake and not notice it at all in comparison to the way I feel after eating a piece of rich, dense American cake.

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