Thursday, January 01, 2009

Jane Austen and Crepes

This entry has nothing to do with China...

Today was the first day of 2009. One of our leaders here in the city, invited us foreigners over to her house to watch Jane Austen movies and eat crepes. Wow, what a treat. It was pretty cozy to be in her apartment with 8 or so other women eating delectable crepes and watching the classic BBC rendition of Pride and Prejudice. As we watched, we all took turns commenting on the characters’ dress, speech, and marriage matches. As people started to leave, they used sentences that were consistent with the old English from the novel such as, “I fear that you have desired my parting much earlier” or “I must make haste.” It was an enjoyable day, and I’m considering including more old English into my daily vocabulary. After all, a stale mind is quickly unveiled by one’s drabness of words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your day sounds fun! I could enjoy that.
