Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day Happiness!

Our team hung out for about 10 hours yesterday, enjoying the company and the Christmas spirit. Above photo represents some of the activities of the day; drinks, snacks, games, and chilling.

Caroline is loving her "Eat, Pray, Love" DVD. She also had some other goodness inside the metallic red bag.

Sporting some earrings and also a brown polka dot scarf (both presents from team-mates.) I love that they got me cutesy accessories! I also received yummy chocolate and room parfum diffuser. Very excited to put all gifts to good use!

Amber got some coloring books and other goodies.
Jenn got a Starbucks mug with yummy mixes and candy stuffed inside.


Joy said...

Looks like such a fun and enjoyable day. Looking forward to spending time with you next month.

Drew and Rachel said...

Wow! Your Christmas looked fun.


Portia said...

Yes, both days were fun, minus the cold temperatures and the freezing rain.