Friday, August 03, 2007

Thoughts on the Plane

Right now, there is no place I would rather be going than China. I am so excited for this adventure and the plans he has. We are sitting next to a man from China who is returning from California to his home in Beijing. He is kind and seems excited to return home and visit his friends and family. About half of the people on the plane look like they are Chinese and the other half are American or some other nationality. The announcements are all given in English and Chinese. As I write this, it’s a little over midway point on the flight and people are starting to feel antsy—congregating in the aisles and drinking pop and coffee more as a distraction that anything else. When I think about this year and look at the Chinese faces around me, I feel that the year will hinge upon lifting up my thoughts and petitioning for these people. More than my own interests and thoughts, I want to have a heart that petitions for the people I am teaching and the relationships I am forming with these people. And obviously, not my thoughts alone but everyone who is joining me on this adventure.

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