Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Palm Springs is HOT!!

When I told people that our training was in Palm Springs, they looked at me inquisitively--"why would a non-profit organization hold their training in Palm Springs?" Here's why: It is in the middle of a dessert during the hottest part of the year. People are NOT flocking here in herds. As a result, the hotel cuts the organization a deal to rent rooms and services for the organization very cheaply. So far, it's been a pleasant stay in Palm Springs. Our conference room has a large side window where we can see beautiful, large, Palm Trees, with mountains cascading behind them.

The information in the sessions is intense. This morning, I thought I would not make it--but I did. In fact, I made it through the whole day. The information was helpful in preparing us, but it was a lot to "digest." I also felt some warfare going on--panic about not remembering to take care of certain business items before I left home. But tomorrow is a new day to be refreshed by his splendors.

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