Monday, July 16, 2007

7 Day Countdown. . .

In 7 days, I will be in California. In 15 days, I will be in Beijing. Needless to say, my emotions are a little mixed at this point. They range from sheer excitement to zealous nostalgia and sappiness. To deal with this influx of feelings, I am going to try to live as normal as possible in this next week, with one exception--no complaining or snappy comments.

In the past month, I have prepared, to the best of my ability, for my time in China. I have read books on China, questioned my friends from China, talked with people who have been to China, practiced my Chinese, and eaten at Chinese restaurants on several occassions. One area where I could spend even more time in this next week, is lifting up my thoughts about the upcoming adventure. To sit in silence and wait on his voice to fill me with peace--this is the ultimate preparation.

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