Sunday, March 02, 2008

Drop a note

If you are reading this blog, can you let me know. . and drop me a note on the comment function. I am not able to post your comments online, but I am still able to read them because they are sent directly to my email. Ahhh, technology.


gad said...

Hey Portia --

I'm subscribed via Bloglines and reading faithfully. It's a pleasure keeping track of your adventure.

Greg Dyer

Stephanie said...

Hey Portia!! I read the blog. How are you? I'm still adjusting to living in the cities and my new job. I have seen Emily a couple of times. Take care.

Christine said...

Hi Portia!

Nick's friend Christine Van Osdol here. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and hearing about your experiences! Thanks for sharing!

Love Christine

stacey said...

I eagerly read your blog, Portia! I love reading about your adventures in China. I have another friend who is in China teaching English as well and it's great to hear about both of your experiences. I may never get to China but I can see a piece of it through your eyes. Keep blogging!
