Friday, January 11, 2008

Dry-Cleaning Day

I had my first experience at the dry-cleaners this past week. Up until this past week, I had one winter coat here in China and it is one I brought from the States. Well, needless to say, it had gotten a little dirty. . or rather, filthy. But I had been warned by my mother not to watch the coat on my own because I do not have a dryer and my coat is down. So, if I were to watch the coat, all the feathers would fall to the bottom of the coat--not a good look.
Finally this past week-end, I invested in a Chinese winter coat and could take my red coat to the dry cleaners. The ladies at the place looked at my coat with utter disgust. They told my friend (and translator who was speaking the local dialect) that it would be 16 kuai to have it cleaned. "Okay" I agreed. Then, they kept looking at the coat and sounding more and more upset. Then my friend told me they said it would cost 18 kuai to have the coat cleaned because it was sooo dirty. Well, I didn't like where this was going, but really I didn't know what else to do. I felt like I was a little child being scolded for not showering or eating mud or something. I kept nodding and looking meekish. In my head I was saying, "Yes, I know my coat is dirty; that's why I am bringing it get it cleaned." I agreed to pay the new price which was higher than the original (and by the way, that is not how bargaining is supposed to work in China.) And as we left, my friend told me that the ladies said told her they had never seen such a dirty coat before. Ouch!! But it's okay because in a few days, I will have a clean red coat!!

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