Sunday, January 06, 2008

Changes in China

This week, we had a change in our neighborhood. Our gate-keeper and his family (wife and grandson) moved out of their little home right beside the gate to our apartment. We all felt pretty sad about this, because the man and his wife were so friendly. We called him Mr. HaoHao, because he always said “hao” to us (which means good.) However, we just learned today, that the new gate-keeper is another lady who lived very near to us. This lady and her husband are also kind, and the lady is always trying to invite us in to have lunch with her. She points to her stomach, motions with her hand to come in, and says what I think is, “Let me cook for you.” Now that she lives so close to us, I will definitely accept her offer. I wish so bad that I could communicate freely with these people.

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