Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Bustling around Beijing

A year ago at this time, I was leaving China—wondering and hoping that my future would find me returning to China. Now that I am here, I feel even more confident of my calling here. I have already had the chance to meet up with one of my Chinese friends from the States. Yesterday, we visited the zoo together. It was a wonderful culture experience to visit a Chinese zoo. Some of the animals and displays were quite different than we might see in the states. In addition, it was entertaining to read the signs. Apparently, they have actually started a website where you can register signs that are grammatically incorrect with hopes that the signs will be changed before the Olympics. After the zoo, we enjoyed a relaxing meal and talked about the next time we could meet. My friend also helped me buy a local calling card and showed me how to use it in the phone booth.
Today, we had our first, official Teaching Methods class. Our teacher is quite young and has a unique sense of humor. It makes me wonder whether or not I need to work on being funny in order to be a successful teacher. I really don’t think so—I think everyone has their own style of teaching—I may never be the comedian in the front of the classroom, but that’s probably okay.

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