Recently on the road to happily ever after, Rob and I have discovered some bumps. I am not talking about baby bumps. I am talking about communication and expectation bumps. I am still learning that my time is not my own even if I think it should be. In addition, I am learning that just because I may have carefully planned out my week-end, I need to be flexible and willing to embrace change.
Rob and I tried to start meeting with a few other couples to have fellowship with other couples and hopefully learn from each other. However, our schedules have collided like bumper cars, and our meetings have been sporadic at best. So, today as I was thinking and praying about our relationship, I came across a few really helpful websites that I want to share on here (for married and single people alike):
1. The first website is Family Share. This website is really helpful because it has articles on nearly every topic I have ever wondered about in marriage (The Secret Truth about Your Husband's Man Cave for example) along with other topics such as Growth, Health, & Money.
2. The second website I have found really encouraging is Relevant This website has really challenging articles written by a variety of authors. One topic I found really encouraging was called 'It Meets my Needs' and Other Bad Reasons for Choosing a Church. Since Rob and I have recently felt called to a different church, I have been asking myself if my reasons for switching churches are legitimate ones. This article challenged me to be honest with myself in why exactly we are choosing to switch churches.
3. The third website that has been helpful in marriage and in life in general is by Dale Partridge. The website is called The Daily Positive, and it has helpful advice on financial planning, marriage, life outlook, and of course, staying positive. It is not a self-help website as the author is pretty clear that his faith in Jesus Christ is his motivation in life. The blog contains a mix of humor, research, short videos, and feel good stories. I recommend checking out his site.
marrWhat websites do you find helpful in life?
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