Thursday, October 02, 2014

On Waiting Well. . .

I have to confess: I am not a very patient person. I despise waiting for things. Waiting for dinner, waiting in line, waiting in traffic, waiting for kindergarteners to zip their coats up, waiting at stoplights, waiting for Rob to get home, waiting for life in general. All these moments require me to dig deep and outside of myself to bear those agonizingly slow moments when time seems to move backwards on the clock.

Recently, it seems like life has required more waiting of me than usual. Waiting for the dream job. Waiting for the right season to have children. Waiting to get out of debt. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Nowhere in this verse does it suggest that waiting for the Lord is for the weak-hearted. It is for the strong and confident. In my own waiting, I want to be this confident, strong-willed person who knows and believes that the Lord is going to come through.

I know too that in the waiting, there are a lot of deeper heart issues that God wants to work on. So I am trying to wait well, wait faithfully. And wait knowing that in the waiting there is still life to be tasted and enjoyed.

Oh Lord--I confess that I often tire of waiting and lose my patience. Help me to wait well. Help me to be a person of character who desires more of you in the waiting, a person whose desires even change in the waiting.  Grant me patience and faith that I can be bold and assured in the waiting. Amen.

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