Saturday, August 09, 2014


Finally--I feel as though I have been able to catch my breath and enjoy the finer things of summer. June and July have zoomed by and were filled up with summer school and a new venture with a part-time job. The part-time job is still very much in full swing, but this past week, my mornings and afternoons were for the most part free. I got to enjoy some of the standard summertime activities.

To me, summer activities include-- getting coffee with friends, shopping at Goodwill, reading a book for fun, going on a bike ride, organizing messy drawers, getting rid of extra stuff, writing letters, and baking cookies, Yes--most of these things happened in this past week and it felt amazing. These things are signs that life has slowed down a bit for me to catch my breath. I have one more week of this breath-catching, and then I am back in the whirl of full-time, Monday through Friday, completely sleep deprived by Friday work.

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