Friday, April 15, 2011

Egg Drop Photos

This past week in class, I used my team-mate Amber's lesson plan called the "egg drop." The purpose of this lesson is to let students relax a little and work on problem solving skills. The task is for students to develop a contraption to protect an uncooked egg from an 8 story fall. The groups were incredibly creative and most of them worked well together.

Here are some words from one group: "Although we were inefficient at first, we didn't give up."
My favorite invention was called "The Nest." They used wire, covered with straw to create a cushion similar to a nest. Then, they lined the nest with styrofoam and wrapped the whole thing with plastic bags an a shower cap.


Reflections said...

I love the pictures! They show the process. I think Amber's idea is a very good way to incorporate learning on several fronts without feeling laborious.

You look amazing! Hope you are able to savor the days.

Unknown said...

Great activity. It is not actually a soup one, is it?