Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in Hong Kong

Our team took a trip to Hong Kong for Christmas. To put things in perspective, Hong Kong is about an 8-9 hour train ride from our home in China. . . and it was worth every one of those hours on the train to be in Hong Kong during Christmas. We enjoyed many comforts from home in this exciting city such as Starbucks, toilets and toilet paper, English television, an English service, and the list goes on. We took a sleeper train both their and back to help save on spending money for lodging in Hong Kong. In a word, Hong Kong was wonderful and exciting. There are people from all over the world who live in Hong Kong. We ate Indian, Mexican, French, and American food in Hong Kong, and we walked a lot of places as well as took the ultra-clean and convenient metro around the city. Here are just a few pictures from our experience. I think you can see the Christmas joy on our faces!!

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