Thursday, November 01, 2007

Dog Days of Winter?

With the coming Winter comes some seasonal dishes here in Hengyang such as dog. That's right-the restaurant at the back gate is now serving fresh dog. I had my suspicious last week when I walked by and saw a caged dog across from the restaurant. I looked over at the restaurant and saw a man sitting beside what looked like a roasted pig--only it was smaller--and there was no apple in its mouth. And upon a second glance, it looked an awful lot like a dog. It seemed as though thte man sitting beside the roasted dog had a smirk on his face. The next morning when I was walking by the restaurant, my suspicious were confirmed when a lady was skinning a dead dog in a tub of water. Stay tuned for a picture of the roasted dog (not for the dog lovers or faint-hearted).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Portia, as a dog lover and owner, that is just not right. I hope you don't eat it. Stay strong and eat the veggies only. I enjoy reading your blogs. Take care and talk to you soon.