Saturday, September 22, 2007

No More Ms. Nice

Here are some motorcycle taxis just waiting for the next customer.

Yes—I thought this title might get your attention. Remember how your mother and father always told you to mind your P’s and Q’s? Well, I feel that my parents have done a great job of raising us kids to be polite and always say “Please” and “Thank you.” Apparently, this politeness comes across differently in China. After I was thanking my language tutor for all her help, she said that I must not thank her all the time because it made her feel uncomfortable. I was a bit confused, but she said that when people are overly polite, it implies a problem or a distance in the friendship. So, I of course humbly asked her to forgive me, and then I probably said “thank you” after she forgave me. I told her that I would do my best not to thank her all the time.

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